Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4

Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4, Img
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4, Img 1
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4, Img 2
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4, Img 3
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4
Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4, Img 4
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Neo: The Worlds Ends With You PS4

&iexex; La suite attendue de The World Ends with You ! est déjà en cours ici. En étant forcé de participer au "Jeu des Segadores", Rindo se rend compte que sa vie est en jeu. On ne sait pas ce que &arecuent; &iexu; mais c'est à vous de le découvrir ! Testez vos pouvoirs psychiques dans les rues de Shibuya et profitez de votre animation moderne.  

&itions caractère:  

  • ad &e ntry on a very showy and style-ganya Shibuya, m &uapicsica and monsters.
  • Collects and uses centaines of psychopowers in combat against surréaliste menaces.
  • Investigate the world around you and get the win in the Segadores Game to survive